UM05: Proceed Through Route 2!

Michael’s “Poke Problem”: Where did Michael face Team Skull again? Choices: Hau’oli Cemetery, Berry Fields, Seaside Motel, Big Wave Beach (Answer Revealed Below) (Exp. Share: On)
UM05's Documentation ("Plot")
Michael began to set off for Verdant Cavern when Lillie’s game counterpart met up with him. After they had a chat about the island challenge, both Lillie’s game counterpart and Michael have wondered if they see Tapu Koko again then maybe they’ll discover why it saved Michael and Nebby. Michael received 3 Revives from Lillie’s game counterpart then wished him luck on his first trial as they both shall hope that it goes well.
Michael then ran into Kahuna Hala’s game counterpart as he was calming down Tauros again. Kahuna Hala’s game counterpart then allowed Michael to connect with Tauros again as Michael held its horns and both Michael and Tauros were happy as Tauros and Kahuna Hala’s game counterpart had left afterwards. Michael arrived onto Route 2 as he was pounced by a wild Ekans, which had decided to battle in order to train for his first trial and his Litten managed to defeat it. Michael had faced a Cutiefly Trainer then a young Drifloon trainer with his Pikipek and they managed to win both battles.
After Michael collected a few Totem Stickers, he arrived at the Hau’oli Cemetery where he did a little sightseeing of the eternal graves. Michael and Litten faced a Pikachu trainer (for the first time) and won that battle (which allowed Pikipek to gain enough Exp. Points to level up). Michael and Pikipek faced a Pikipek trainer then a young Happiny trainer and managed to win both battles (which allowed Litten to gain enough Exp. Points to level up).
Michael and his Rotom Dex found a photo spot for their Poke Finder to take a picture of a Gastly, which got a record-breaking amount of thumbs-ups. Afterwards Michael departed from the Hau’oli Cemetery and arrived at the Seaside Motel where an old gentleman showed Michael the way to Big Wave Beach.
After Michael defeated a Delibird trainer with his Litten (which allowed Pikipek to gain enough Exp. Points to level up), he arrived at the beach where a woman explained some of the details of Mantine Surfing. After Michael explained to her that he’s still starting out with the island challenge, she understood and explained to Michael that he’ll need to toughen up a bit and be good as an island kahuna before trying to handle Mantine Surfing.
As Michael was about to head back onto Route 2, Team Skull arrived and was gonna mess around with the Mantine, which made the woman call out for help as Michael is a little frustrated to see Team Skull again but knows that he must go defeat them once again. At the end, Michael and his Litten did defeat a Drowzee of Team Skull’s but was surprised to hear that they’re gonna head for Verdant Cavern to mess with Illma’s game counterpart. It gave off a really big hint that the first trial might be interfered with by Team Skull, which made Michael more frustrated but he now knows that he must defeat his enemies if he ever sees them at Verdant Cavern.
Afterwards the woman thanked Michael for his help and even gave him a Fresh Water as she believes that Michael will do well in his upcoming trial after seeing how he did well in defeating Team Skull. She explains that she’ll be waiting for Michael by the time he’s ready to try out Mantine Surfing after getting further in his island challenge of course. After managing to win a very tough battle with his Pikipek against a Murkrow trainer, Michael visited the Berry Fields where he got an Oran Berry from an old gentleman as he asked for Michael to bring back a Persim Berry as a step of being a Berry Master, which Michael was okay with doing later on.
After finding a few more Oran Berries and collecting a few Totem Stickers, Michael went back on the path to Verdant Cavern where he spotted the 2 unknown strangers that he saw before outside of Iki Town (during UM02). After overhearing them before they walked off, Michael began to wonder what they wanted to check out at Verdant Cavern, who was this “president” they were talking about, and what did they mean by “The Blinding One”. Afterwards Michael and Pikipek managed to defeat another wild Ekans that pounced out of the grass then they defeated a Flabebe trainer. Michael and Litten defeating a Rockruff trainer led to earning enough Exp. Points for both Litten and Pikipek to level up (+ Litten learned a new move). Michael arrived outside of Verdant Cavern where there was also a Pokemon Center and Hau’s game counterpart was also there.
After arriving into Route 2’s Pokemon Center and having a chat, Michael received 3 more Revives from Hau’s game counterpart then both he and Rotom Dex explained to Michael about the Roto Loto, which he decided to try out and it earned him 2 Roto Boosts.
While relaxing at the Pokemon Center Cafe with Hau’s game counterpart, Michael hopes that he and his Pokemon Friends shall be ready for the Trial of Illma at Verdant Cavern.
To Be Continued
(Next: UM06)
Answer: Big Wave Beach