UM07: Proceed Through Route 3!

Michael’s “Poke Problem”: Michael was searching for Lillie’s game counterpart, where did he manage to find her? Choices: Verdant Cavern, Route 3, Melemele Meadow, Iki Town. (Answer Revealed Below) (Exp. Share: On)
UM07's Documentation ("Plot")
After collecting a few more berries again, Michael sets off for Route 3 to search for Lillie’s game counterpart.
On Route 3, Michael learned from an island challenge marker that a Pokemon using its Z-Power can miss its opponent or be evaded during a battle and it’ll still count as already used up the Z-Power with a chosen Pokemon. After a brief talk with his Rotom Dex, Michael realizes that he’ll really need to keep in mind to wait for a right moment to use the Z-Power with a chosen Pokemon friend of his during battle. Michael learned from a hiker to watch out for wild Flying-Type Pokemon overhead on the route. Michael defeated a Psyduck trainer with his newly-evolved Torracat which also resulted in Cha (Michael’s newly-traded Hawlucha) gaining enough Exp. Points to level up. Michael and Cha battled together for the first time to pull off defeating a Cottonee trainer. It was thanks to his newly-evolved Trumbeak that Michael defeated the Flying-Type Pokemon overhead (which were all Spearow) + it resulted in earning much Exp. Points for Michael’s team to level up together. Michael arrived at Melemele Meadow where he managed to find Lillie’s game counterpart who informed that Nebby ran off into a cave, which led to Michael accepting to help bring Nebby back to her. Before setting off into the meadow, Rotom Dex informs Michael that he can now receive Roto Exp. Points to train his team for a limited time which made Michael amazed by another Rotom Power from his Rotom Dex. Michael came across a traveling Oricorio trainer named Meredith and managed to defeat her Pom-Pom Style Oricorio in battle with Torracat which resulted in earning enough Roto Exp. Points for Cha to level up and learn a new move. Michael then found a photo spot to use his Poke Finder to take a nice picture of a Cutiefly. Crawling into the cave that Nebby went into, Michael already found Nebby there but before he was gonna retrieve it, 2 people appeared to Michael, which were revealed to be the 2 unknown strangers (who’re now known as) Soliera and Phyco. From hearing what Phyco asked Soliera to do, Michael began to wonder what they mean by “test this one”, which was when Soliera brought out a new kind of Poke Ball that Michael never had seen and sent out a Furfrou. From the way things looked for Michael, he decided to accept facing them in battle and sent out his Torracat. During the battle, Michael decided to try out using Z-Power with his partner for the first time and they succeeded in using the Normal-Type Z-Move: Breakneck Blitz to defeat Furfrou resulting in a great amount of Roto Exp. Points earned for Michael’s team to level up (+ Trumbeak learning a new move). Before Soliera and Phyco had left, Michael got a little more curious about them especially when they mentioned not having to bother with a girl for now, which made him wonder if they were talking about Lillie’s game counterpart and Michael also started to think they might know some things about Nebby from what they told him. After Michael went to retrieve Nebby then brought it back to Lillie’s game counterpart, she thanked Michael for his help and even recovered his Pokemon Friends for him.
After a brief chat they had about Oricorio and its “form change”, Lillie’s game counterpart and Michael went back onto the route to return back with Professor Kukui’s game counterpart when Hau’s game counterpart (and his Rowlet) just shown up to inform them that he managed to clear the trial at Verdant Cavern, which Michael congratulated him for. Michael accepted Hau’s game counterpart’s request to battle him so he can see if he learned anything after clearing the first trial while Michael shall show what he learned from it. At the end, Michael and his Pokemon Friends managed to defeat Hau’s game counterpart and his Pokemon Friends in a 3-0 victory (+ Cha earned enough Exp. Points to level up). Both Hau’s game counterpart and Michael agree that they’re getting very strong since they’ve defeated Totem Raticate. Professor Kukui’s game counterpart had arrived and thanked Michael for his help in finding Lillie’s game counterpart and congratulated Hau’s game counterpart for clearing his first trial.
From what Hau's and Professor Kukui’s game counterparts had explained, Michael learned that he’ll be facing Kahuna Hala’s game counterpart in a grand trial and understands that Hau’s game counterpart is looking forward to facing his gramps.
After Professor Kukui’s, Lillie’s, and Hau’s game counterparts sets off back to Iki Town, Michael is doing the same himself when he comes across a trainer who said that he’d like to show Michael the move Roost if he can defeat all trainers on Route 3 (although Michael is already aware of a certain move that Cha had recently learned).
After viewing a wonderful rainbow by a waterfall, Michael found the final opponent on Route 3 to face, which was a Growlithe trainer that he managed to defeat with his Torracat. With all opponents on Route 3 defeated, Michael accepted the request to battle a Roost-using trainer.
During the battle when his opponent was showing his Butterfree’s Roost, Michael had done the same by showing Cha’s newly-learned Roost and at the end, Michael emerged victorious and was given the Technical Machine for Roost. The Roost-using trainer then informed Michael that there are other strong trainers like him out there and how it would be good to face them in battle while out on a journey, which Michael shall keep in mind.
After defeating a wild Crabrawler with Cha then collecting some berries, Michael arrived back to Iki Town where he met up with Lillie's and Professor Kukui’s game counterparts.
Afterwards Michael meets with Kahuna Hala’s game counterpart again who congratulated him for clearing the trial at Verdant Cavern and asks if Michael is ready to face him in a grand trial, which Michael answered to please wait as his Pokemon Friends are a little wiped from recent battling and said he’ll be ready when he gets back to him, which Kahuna Hala’s game counterpart understood and shall be waiting until then. Michael then arrived at his home to check back with his mom of his recent experiences from his journey, which she was happy to hear about + Rotom Dex was introduced to Michael’s mom. Michael has confirmed to his mom that he’ll rest up a little at home before preparing for his upcoming battle with the Kahuna of Melemele Island’s game counterpart. Michael’s mom said to her son to do his best to become an island challenge champ and that she’ll be behind him no matter what, which Michael is happy to hear from her as he’s looking forward to his first grand trial.
To Be Continued
(Next: UM08)
Answer: Melemele Meadow