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UM35: The Trial of Vast Poni Canyon!

Writer's picture: Michael LettmanMichael Lettman

Updated: Jun 21, 2024

UM35: The Trial of the Vast Poni Canyon!

Alolan "Michael", Lillie's game counterpart, & Plumeria's game counterpart
Alolan "Michael" receiving a Poisonium Z from Plumeria's Game Counterpart.

Michael’s “Poke Problem”: Which is the Totem Pokemon that Michael faces at the Vast Poni Canyon? Choices: Noivern, Garchomp, Altaria, Kommo-o (Answer Revealed Below)

(Exp. Share: Off then turned On)

Note: So much had occurred during UM35 for Michael Lettman to keep track of Alolan Michael’s team leveling up via Exp. Share before it was all “saved”.

UM35's Documentation ("Plot")

After finishing with training his team (while thinking about how Eevee and Raticate are doing at Poke Pelago), Michael finally arrived on the path to Vast Poni Canyon where he saw Lillie’s game counterpart and met up with her only to see Team Skull on the path also. Team Skull heard what occurred at Aether Paradise and asked the 2 if they know how to open an Ultra Wormhole to save their Boss Guzma’s game counterpart which the young trial-goer replied that finding a way to open an Ultra Wormhole is their top priority which led to one Team Skull grunt reply that she’ll face the young trial-goer in battle to see if he’s bad to the bone to save their boss.

Michael informs Lillie’s game counterpart to safely step back while he takes care of things as he and Aerodactyl manage to defeat that grunt’s Ekans which resulted in Aerodactyl gaining enough Exp. Points to level up (and learn a new move, Sky Drop). The rest of the Team Skull grunts ended up coming at Michael all at once but the young trial-goer managed to defeat their Formantis, Houndour, Alolan Raticate, Mareanie, and Golbat using only his Aerodactyl. Plumeria’s game counterpart had appeared and scolded the grunts for getting in the way of what Lillie’s game counterpart and Michael were aiming to do. As the grunts departed under Plumeria’s game counterpart’s orders, she then spoke to Lillie’s game counterpart with an apology for how she had badly treated her even though she was doing what Lusamine’s game counterpart told her to do and she believes that it’d probably be a little too late for her apology to be accepted after what had occurred at Aether Paradise as Michael never thought he’d saw Plumeria’s game counterpart say those kind of words. From what Plumeria’s and Lillie’s game counterparts had been saying to each other, Michael was a little surprised to hear how Guzma’s game counterpart really likes Lusamine’s game counterpart since she’s the only one who sees how strong he is which made Michael think that’s one of the reasons why Guzma’s game counterpart was chosen to go with Lusamine’s game counterpart to face Necrozma. Michael can understand how Lillie’s game counterpart felt about her mother’s selfishness which is why she’ll be showing her mother what she had been learning in Alola, especially how people and Pokemon ought to help each other which Michael agrees with. Plumeria’s game counterpart asked Lillie’s game counterpart and Michael if they could help save Guzma’s game counterpart which both replied they can do it + Michael can understand how Plumeria’s game counterpart wishes for her boss to be saved just like how Lillie’s game counterpart wishes to save her mother. Plumeria’s game counterpart commented how Alola really means a lot to Guzma’s game counterpart which is why he’s doing something so reckless to try saving it which left Michael pondering about how reckless Guzma’s and Lusamine’s game counterparts had been to face Necrozma which is one of the reasons he and Lillie’s game counterpart shall figure something out when they find them. Plumeria’s game counterpart offered a Poison-Type Z-Crystal to Michael for allowing it to be any kind of help for him, the young trial-goer never thought he’d say thanks to Plumeria’s game counterpart but he did and accepted the Poisonium Z.

Michael was very surprised that Plumeria’s game counterpart was aware of how he had gotten a sparking stone from Tapu Koko which became his Z-Power Ring. Michael can actually understand what Plumeria’s game counterpart had said to him, he knows he must take good care of his Z-Power Ring since it’s very special especially to Alola’s Island Guardians. After Plumeria’s game counterpart departed, Lillie’s game counterpart and Michael both agree that maybe Team Skull are not all bad and Lillie’s game counterpart thanks Michael for his help with the Team Skull grunts + she was kind to recover Aerodactyl to full health as they set off into the Vast Poni Canyon. Lillie’s game counterpart and Michael met up with Kahuna Hapu’s game counterpart who asks how did they do in obtaining the Moon Flute which Lillie’s game counterpart replied that she needed Michael to help her out with that which Kahuna Hapu’s game counterpart can understand since people and Pokemon ought to help each other out when needed after all. Kahuna Hapu’s game counterpart commented how Michael’s kindness is what brings a smile on Lillie’s game counterpart’s face which the young trial-goer kindly thanked her since he’s happy to help his friend with their important quest and he’s also happy that they now have both Sun and Moon Flutes needed for meeting the Legendary Pokemon. The Ultra Recon Squad suddenly arrived and from what they’ve been saying, Michael can see that they’re determined to handle the situation with Necrozma on their own since they’ve learned how to do Pokemon Battle themselves. Phyco requested Michael to battle Soliera so they can see if they’re strong enough to defeat him then they’ll be strong enough to defeat Necrozma which the young trial-goer can understand. At the end, not only Michael’s Aerodactyl managed to defeat Soliera’s Ultra Beast Poipole but Aerodactyl used a Z-Move for the first time (which was the Dark-Type Z-Move: Black Hole Eclipse). Not only the Ultra Recon Squad were astounded by how well Michael battles with his Pokemon but Michael was happy that they’ve learned much from their travels about how trainers and their Pokemon can learn from each other in battling. After Kahuna Hapu’s game counterpart introduced herself, she explained to the Ultra Recon Squad about a few good things about Alola. Starting to understand that they can receive some help with their solution, the Ultra Recon Squad said to Lillie’s game counterpart, Kahuna Hapu’s game counterpart, and Michael, from when Necrozma appears, if they could fight it in their place which the 3 understood while Michael replied that they shall do the best that they can to face Necrozma. Kahuna Hapu’s game counterpart informs Lillie’s game counterpart and Michael about trainers at Vast Poni Canyon who came to train which Michael had a feeling there’d be trainers around so he wouldn’t mind facing them while Kahuna Hapu’s game counterpart informs Lillie’s game counterpart about making sure to help Michael along the path which she understood. After Lillie’s game counterpart gave Michael a Max Revive she found at Aether Paradise (which he thanked her for), she spoke to Michael about letting him go on ahead while promising that she’ll catch up with him for the sake of both her mother and Nebby while Michael informs her that as long as he has his team and she has her Max Repels, they can make pass wild Pokemon. Michael also spoke about facing trainers at the canyon for some training since he must get strong enough for when Necrozma appears, which Lillie’s game counterpart is happy to hear and then kindly recover Michael’s Aerodactyl again after its recent battle with the Ultra Recon Squad (which the young trial-goer thanked her for). Michael decided to turn his Exp. Share on to give some upcoming training with his team a little boost as he began to venture through Vast Poni Canyon. The young trial-goer and his team faced a lot of trainers on their path, Cha (Michael’s Hawlucha) and Toucannon defeated a Veteran’s Beeheeyem and Banette, Toucannon defeated a Backpacker’s Spinda, Incineroar and Lycanroc defeated 2 ace trainers’ Alolan Ninetales and Alolan Sandslash, Kabutops and Lycanroc defeated a hiker’s Kabutops and Tyrantrum, Toucannon defeated a veteran’s Xatu and Dewgong and Kangaskhan, and Incineroar defeated an ace trainer’s Mawile and Weavile. As Michael reached a bridge, Lillie’s game counterpart had just caught up to him and commented on how he made the canyon look a little easy while it was a little tough on her end. The bridge they’re about to cross made Lillie’s game counterpart reminisce how she and Michael first met at a bridge which he also remembers (a bridge on the way to the Ruins of Conflict), she recalled how she couldn’t help Nebby from before Michael showed up to help them but she proclaims that she’s no longer what she was back then which Michael can agree with as she began to cross the bridge but when a flock of Murkrow landed in her way, she determinedly dashed through the Murkrow flock and made it across the bridge, which Michael was impressed by. After Michael also made it across the bridge, Lillie’s game counterpart spoke to Michael about how she wants to be like him, which is a trainer that fights alongside with Pokemon the best that they can. Michael complimented Lillie’s game counterpart having goals to achieve while she thanked Michael for helping her reach this far on their quest, she kindly recovered Michael’s team and decided to take a small break since her legs were still shaking (from what occurred on the bridge) which Michael understood as he continued to venture through Vast Poni Canyon. Michael and his team have went through much more opponents along their path, Cha defeated 2 wild Alolan Dugtrio, Michael rode along the Machamp Shove to get through boulders, Incineroar defeated a scientist’s Magnezone, Toucannon defeated a punk’s Scrafty, Toucannon defeated a punk’s Pangoro and Crawdaunt, Toucannon defeated a black belt’s Poliwrath, Kabutops defeated a Team Skull grunt’s Pawniard, Toucannon defeated a few wild Water-Type Pokemon at a fishing spot, Toucannon defeated a swimmer’s Golduck, Incineroar defeated a black belt’s Crabominable, Toucannon defeated several wild pokemon (as a little extra boost in the team’s training), Lycanroc and Cha defeated an ace trainer’s Alolan Graveler and Lapras, Toucannon defeated a veteran’s Talonflame and Glaceon and Wailord, and lastly Toucannon and Cha and Lycanroc and Incineroar defeated a veteran’s Noctowl and Flygon and Slowking and Gengar. As Michael arrives at an opened barricade, Lillie’s game counterpart manages to catch up with him as she’s happy that they’re nearly at the altar. After she kindly helped recover Michael’s team again, Lillie’s game counterpart informs Michael about taking another small break from being a little exhausted on her path, which the young trial-goer understood since he’s aware that she’ll take her time to catch up when she’s ready as he proceeds through the opened barricade. From what he read on a stone, there’s no captain around but it looked like Michael came across a trial site and decided to take part in it, which led to Toucannon defeating a wild Jangmo-o and a wild Hakamo-o but the young trial-goer kept having a feeling that piercing eyes were gazing at him somewhere. Arriving at a pedestal where a Z-Crystal lies in, Michael had a feeling of knowing what shall happen if he were to reach for it (which may have something to do with what’s been gazing at him). So he proceeded in reaching for the Z-Crystal and as expected, the Totem Pokemon had shown up (and according to Rotom Dex), it was a Kommo-o. As Michael chose Toucannon to face Totem Kommo-o who soon called an ally to his side, a Scizor, Toucannon fought hard and managed to defeat the Totem Pokemon and its ally all by itself (even without having to use a Z-Move) as Michael couldn’t be more proud of his Flying-Type Pokemon Friend. Michael obtained the Z-Crystal from the pedestal which (according to Rotom Dex) was a Dragon-Type Z-Crystal, Dragonium Z. The young trial-goer is looking forward to trying out his Dragonium Z from when he has a Pokemon friend that can use a Dragon-Type move. Michael thanked Toucannon for all its hard work as he remembers how much it and the rest of his team had leveled up on their path through Vast Poni Canyon, which also resulted in Incineroar, Cha, and Kabutops learning a new move each. As Michael happily arrives at the stairway to the Altar of the Moone, Lillie’s and Kahuna Hapu’s game counterparts have caught up with him. After Kahuna Hapu’s game counterpart explained a few details about the Vast Poni Canyon trial, she congratulated Michael for clearing it (as she expected he would). Lillie’s game counterpart also congratulated Michael since he’d cleared his 7th trial in Alola’s island challenge and she was fascinated to how he grew strong with his Pokemon Friends as she then helped recover Michael’s hard-working Toucannon. As Kahuna Hapu’s game counterpart looked at the 2 and believe that they can do it, Lillie’s game counterpart and Michael looked up at the altar with knowing that they have the 2 flutes that shall enable them to meet the Legendary Pokemon known to be Alola’s very own moon as they approach to the Altar of the Moone.

To Be Continued

(Next: UM36)

Answer: Kommo-o

Lesson Notes: Michael Lettman got a little scrambled reminiscing about what occurred during the times when Alolan Michael was observing the chatting of Plumeria’s and Lillie’s game counterparts and chatting with the Ultra Recon Squad and Kahuna Hapu’s game counterpart. Lesson Notes: For the third time since UM31, an imaginary episode didn’t end at a Pokemon Center as Michael Lettman had to end it at a pause somewhere after clearing the Vast Poni Canyon trial before being all set to allow Alolan Michael to continue with an important quest, which may be similar with the real Pokemon anime when they ended an episode during an arc of 2 or more episodes.


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