UM03: Pokemon Trainer EXP!

Michael’s “Poke Problem”: Michael faces 4 trainers at the Trainers’ School, which of their Pokemon became the final opponent? Choices: Metapod, Alolan Grimer, Bonsly, Ekans (Answer Revealed Below)
UM03's Documentation ("Plot")
The next day, Lillie’s game counterpart came over to pick up Michael when Professor Kukui’s game counterpart asked her for him. Michael’s mom then gave her son a little pocket money for his journey and after meeting Lillie’s game counterpart, she’s happy for her son making friends and even added that the Alola region really was a nice place for them to live in. Michael’s mom declared the time has come for her son to shine which means Michael is ready to go on his journey and has accepted into doing the island challenge with his Pokemon Friends. So Michael gave a nice goodbye to his mom (and her Meowth) while she wishes for her son to enjoy himself out there with his Litten (and to not be gone too long). Michael started out his journey by accompanying Lillie’s game counterpart to the Pokemon Research Lab where Professor Kukui’s game counterpart is waiting for them. After Lillie’s game counterpart showed Michael the way to find the lab and telling him about using Repels to prevent being attacked by wild Pokemon, she explained the story of what’s been happening with her and Nebby (aka Cosmog) and asked again if Michael won’t say a word about Nebby (and what happened at the plank bridge). At first, Michael was surprised to hear how Nebby and Lillie’s game counterpart must’ve gone through a lot, then he understood and promised to keep Nebby a secret.
Afterwards Lillie’s game counterpart has shown Michael a shortcut to get to the lab, jumping over a ledge, then she went on ahead to wait for Michael at the lab while he took a quick pause to try out his Pokemon Refresh activity for the first time to give his Pokemon Friends some much-needed care that they deserve. Michael then took the shortcut of jumping over the ledge to arrive at the Pokemon Research Lab and met up with Lillie’s game counterpart. After a small ruckus was heard and came from inside the lab, Lillie’s game counterpart explained how she’s not much of an assistant but it’s the least she can do after Professor Kukui’s game counterpart was kind enough to let her take residence at his lab about 3 months ago. Another ruckus came from inside the lab again to which Lillie’s game counterpart explained how Professor Kukui’s game counterpart doesn’t stop researching Pokemon moves even from inside the lab. Since Michael felt sorry for Lillie’s game counterpart having going through a few difficulties as an assistant, he complimented her for doing the best that she can do. After they headed inside the lab and met with Professor Kukui’s game counterpart, Michael gave him his Pokedex after he asked if he could borrow it for a little. After Michael learned about the Pokemon called Rotom that’ll go into his Pokedex, Professor Kukui’s game counterpart took care of the adjustments to have a Rotom enter into the Pokedex to become Michael’s Rotom Dex. After Michael and his Rotom Dex gave a nice greeting to each other and Hau’s game counterpart arrived, Professor Kukui’s game counterpart asked Michael to head to the Trainers’ School as a first step before trying out the island challenge to which Michael understands. Lillie’s game counterpart commented on how the island challenge is a way People and Pokemon connect with each other, how Michael and Litten became partners, Nebby taking a liking to him, and even having Rotom to help him out, which made Michael felt good about what experiences he’ll have during his upcoming journey. After Michael went outside with Lillie's and Professor Kukui’s game counterparts (along with Hau’s game counterpart who soon departed), the sky somehow went into darkness then it cleared up. Michael then wondered what it was and Lillie’s game counterpart figured it was a solar eclipse to which Professor Kukui’s game counterpart believed it may be like an omen then he explained a legend of Alola which started out the whole island challenge which Michael found fascinating. Lillie’s game counterpart asked Michael to meet her at the Pokemon Center before she left as Michael looked around to notice some Pokemon Trainers to face before meeting her there. After a brief chat with his Rotom Dex and defeating Pokemon Trainers in battles with his partner Litten, Michael arrived to the Pokemon Center as Lillie’s game counterpart explained the details of Nurse Joy at the counter helping to recover Pokemon, using PC Boxes, buying items at the PokeMart to help with the journey, and the Cafe Area, which can be a nice relaxing break during the journey. After having Litten recovered and buying a few Potions at the PokeMart, Michael met up with Lillie’s game counterpart at the Trainers’ School when they noticed a Tauros up the path to which they should leave for anyone else to deal with since they’re focusing on the Trainers’ School. Meeting up with Professor Kukui’s game counterpart and meeting a teacher named Emily, Michael was given a lesson of facing 4 Pokemon Trainers at the school to learn the basics of being a Pokemon Trainer through Pokemon Battling and have the experience help his Pokemon grow stronger to which Michael accepts. Michael then received an Exp. Share which will help a whole team of 6 Pokemon earn Exp. Points together. Michael kindly thanked Professor Kukui’s game counterpart for a very helpful key item (the Exp. Share was switched On). The lesson has begun as Michael enters into the Trainers’ School and his Rotom Dex wishing his pal the best of luck. Michael found the first trainer to face in a classroom which is a young Metapod trainer who teaches Michael that a Pokemon eats a berry it’s holding during a battle when it’s needed. At the end, Michael and his Litten managed to win the battle which allowed Pikipek to gain enough Exp. Points to level up (from the Exp. Share which Michael was impressed by) as the young Metapod trainer then kindly gave Michael 3 Oran Berries to use on his journey. Michael went back outside to find that the next trainer he’ll face is near the tall grass and is a young Alolan Grimer trainer who teaches Michael about Poison Gas which is a move that his Alolan Grimer can use. Even though Litten suffered a little damage from being poisoned by Poison Gas, it still managed to win and even earned enough Exp. Points for both it and Pikipek to level up (from the Exp. Share) + Litten also learned a new move as it then received care from Michael (via Pokemon Refresh) to become healed from it’s poisoning. Michael got to learn about Grass-Type Pokemon’s immunity to powder moves. Michael then decided to do a little training with his Pokemon in the tall grass before continuing the lesson. It’s thanks to their training that Litten managed to earn enough Exp. Points to level up, Pikipek gained enough Exp. Points to level up twice (from the Exp. Share), and Pikipek learned a new move as well. The next trainer Michael must face is a Bonsly trainer who teaches Michael that a trainer uses a Potion during battle when a Pokemon gets close to being defeated but honestly Michael thought to himself that he may not like to try something like that as he prefers to depend on training and Pokemon Refresh activities to aid him and his team for battling. At the end, Michael and Litten have won the battle, Litten earned enough Exp. Points to level up, and Litten received nice care from Michael, which definitely increased their bond as it grew more affectionate of it’s trainer by their Pokemon Refresh activity. The final trainer to face was an Ekans trainer who teaches Michael about the special ability Intimidate which his Ekans have. After Michael and Litten managed to win that final battle, the Ekans trainer gave a teaching tip about how some special abilities can be helpful during battle and even gave Michael a Technical Machine (TM for short) to use on his journey (which was TM01 Work Up) but not before teaching Michael how TMs works. The school bell then rang with an announcement that Michael needs to be up to the 2nd floor office right away which made Lillie’s game counterpart asks if Michael has done something wrong to be called to the office which Michael’s not sure of but he is a little worried about it and even Rotom Dex is a little curious about it. After Lillie’s game counterpart helped recover Litten (then taking a quick visit to a classroom), Michael arrived to Teacher Emily who couldn’t believe that… Michael defeated all her students, which she thought was fantastic + it made Michael relieved that he didn’t do something wrong after all. Teacher Emily then asked if Michael would like to face her in battle to which Michael answered yes and she’ll be challenging him with a Pokemon that has a type advantage against his partner Litten which is… a Water-Type Popplio, which surprised both Michael and Litten as they’re facing an opponent in a type disadvantage.
During the battle after Litten managed to land a critical hit on it’s opponent, Teacher Emily and Popplio unleashed 1 final super-effective Water Gun to defeat Litten but it turns out that… Litten managed to hold on from being defeated which not only shows their affectionate bond (from their Pokemon Refresh activities) but also how Michael is seeing that his partner is truly battling in sync with him as he gave Litten the command of using 1 final Scratch attack to end the battle. Michael and Litten emerged victorious as the young Pokemon Trainer gave his partner the much-needed care (via Pokemon Refresh) it deserves for a good victory. After Michael received 5 Great Balls from Teacher Emily, Professor Kukui’s game counterpart arrived with Illma (his game counterpart) who’ve been watching Michael’s battles and was very impressed.
After they’ve been introduced to each other, The game counterpart of Illma explains the details about trials which Michael must clear before facing an island kahuna during the island challenge and Michael finds that very interesting. The game counterpart of Illma then informs that Michael will be facing his trial at Verdant Cavern and that he’ll be waiting for him when he's ready. It was time to have Michael dismissed from the school as everyone wished him luck for his island challenge and hoped that he’ll take what he learned during his lesson to help him with his journey, which Michael could understand as he and Lillie’s game counterpart departed. As Lillie’s game counterpart and Michael were walking along and had a brief talk about the lesson Michael had at the Trainers’ School, they ran into the Tauros again that’s still blocking the path but Hau’s and Kahuna Hala’s game counterparts were also there with the Tauros and explained that it was taken care of and that Tauros will be escorted to its home but first Kahuna Hala’s game counterpart asked if Michael would like to pet Tauros to which Michael kindly did by petting its face. After Kahuna Hala’s game counterpart had left with the Tauros, both Lillie’s game counterpart and Michael explained to Hau’s game counterpart that they’ll be taking a look around Hau’oli City to which Hau’s game counterpart happily decides to join in with them but then he took off into the city very fast. After Michael parted from Lillie’s game counterpart before promising that he’ll make sure to catch up with her and Hau’s game counterpart, he took a look around Hau’oli City’s beachfront which looked very serene as he thought about how much experience that he gained from the Trainers’ School, which made him and his Pokemon Friends grew stronger + he’ll never forget how he and Litten were in total sync when they were battling a Water-Type Popplio.
Michael spoke with his Rotom Dex saying that he’s looking forward to their journey together to which his Rotom Dex kindly agrees as they’ll bear with each other from now on.
To Be Continued
(Next: UM04)
Answer: Ekans