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UM26: The Trial of Acerola!

Writer's picture: Michael LettmanMichael Lettman

Updated: Jun 21, 2024

UM26: The Trial of Acerola!

A Gengar & a Midnight Form Lycanroc owned by Alolan "Michael"
Lycanroc defeating a wild Gengar during The Trial of Acerola.

Michael’s “Poke Problem”: Which is the Totem Pokemon that Michael faces at the Abandoned Thrifty Megamart? Choices: Jellicent, Gengar, Banette, Mimikyu (Answer Revealed Below) (Exp. Share: On)

UM26's Documentation ("Plot")

As Michael sets off for the Ghost-Type trial, he first read “Trainer Tips” related to Poke Pelago that were fascinating, which made his Rotom Dex asks when he’ll ever check it out for his Pokemon Friends, which Michael answered by the time he’ll have some more Pokemon Friends added into one of his PC Boxes. Arriving at Route 15 then went into the Aether House, Michael met up with Hau’s game counterpart who had just arrived there when 2 children appeared and proclaimed they’ll face the 2 strangers in battle in order to protect their home while Acerola’s game counterpart is away. Hau’s game counterpart and Michael were both a little confused at what happened (+ Michael can see that the 2 children know Acerola’s game counterpart) but it looks like the 2 trial-goers shall face the children in battle. At the end both young trial-goers have won their battles + it’s thanks to Michael’s Incineroar that both itself and Cha (Michael’s Hawlucha) have gained enough Exp. Points to level up. Both Hau’s game counterpart and Michael praise the children for giving it their all when the game counterpart of Acerola arrived and can see that both the 2 trial-goers have already met the children, which Hau’s game counterpart confirmed they have (in battle of course). Hau’s game counterpart then asked about Lillie’s game counterpart, which Acerola’s game counterpart answered that she’s with Hapu’s game counterpart and that they’ll be coming a little soon. Acerola’s game counterpart then asked the 2 trial-goers if they wanted to get that trial of hers done as she reveals herself to be the captain of the Ghost-Type trial, which both young trial-goers were a little surprised to hear.

As Michael asked about her trial, Acerola’s game counterpart informs him that she’ll meet with him outside to guide him to her trial site, which he understood as Hau’s game counterpart then informs Michael that he’ll hang out at the Aether House for a little while with the children and their Yungoos are starting to grow on him but he wishes Michael best of luck in the upcoming trial (which Michael thanked his friend for). As Michael looked around the Aether House a little, he saw a book about a Pokemon Psychology Test which he decided to try out as the results shown that Michael is like a Rotom (which astounded his own Rotom Dex) as he admits that some of the results does sound like Michael’s behavior, he can be shy and reluctant to meet new people before getting to know them well so he may open his heart up to them. From what the Pokemon Psychology Test results also mentioned, Michael can also agree that a Litten can be a good match for him since that’s what he chose as his Starter Pokemon after all. As Michael went outside to wait for Acerola’s game counterpart, he notices Lillie’s game counterpart is also there and she’s in trouble by a Team Skull grunt who noticed Lillie’s game counterpart’s bag was moving around which alerted Michael about her’s and Nebby’s safety as he stepped in to save them both by having Incineroar take down that grunt’s Drowzee. As the Team Skull grunt took off in defeat, Lillie’s game counterpart thanked Michael for his help as he’s glad that she’s safe then she informed Michael what happened as he can understand how Nebby can sometimes come out of her bag when it’s not supposed to + Michael is also glad that Nebby is safe. Lillie’s game counterpart spoke to Michael about wanting to be of help to him during his island challenge then gave him 5 Luxury Balls that she purchased without thinking which Michael didn’t mind then thanked her for them as they’re still good PokeBalls. Acerola’s game counterpart came out and asked Lillie’s game counterpart if she’d like to rest at Aether House awhile which she can confirm with. Acerola’s game counterpart then informed Michael to meet her at Tapu Village so she may show him the way to her trial as she then took off. As Lillie’s game counterpart wishes Michael to do his best to become a real champion, he informs Lillie’s game counterpart to keep in mind that he’ll make sure to get strong enough to ensure that she and Nebby are safe (just as Gladion’s game counterpart would needed for him and Hau’s game counterpart to do) since he was glad that he was able to save her and Nebby as Michael then departed, which leaves Lillie’s game counterpart a little both happy and curious. After doing some training with Incineroar at Tapu Village, Michael met back with Acerola’s game counterpart who explained that she’ll be waiting for him at her trial site which is located right down Route 14 at the Abandoned Thrifty Megamart as she then took off. Arriving at Route 14, It was thanks to Eevee and Raticate that Michael defeated a fisherman’s Feebas and Gyarados which led to Michael’s 2 Pokemon Friends gaining enough Exp. Points to level up. After collecting a few Totem Stickers, Michael and his Lycanroc defeated a collector’s Larvitar. Michael then went out onto the water by the Lapras Paddle to do some more training (with Incineroar defeating a wild Water-Type Pokemon fished up by Michael to start things off).

After defeating a swimmer’s Pyukumuku with Eevee, Michael noticed a woman in trouble by some wild Frillish and chose to help her out by having Eevee defeat one of the Frillish which drove it and the rest of the Frillish away. The woman then thanked Michael for his help as she explains how she got in trouble and was relieved that Michael saved her as she gave him a Destiny Knot as a thank-you which Michael accepted. Michael then took on a strong veteran with Cha (Michael’s Hawlucha) as it was struggling against the veteran’s Whiscash (including suffering from a burn by Whiscash’s Scald move) but during the battle, the affectionate bond was kicking in for Cha as it managed to pull off a dodge from a finishing Scald move, held on with sheer determination from another finishing Scald move, and even managed to recover from its burn before it would drain its remaining stamina. Michael couldn’t be more than proud of Cha as it went on to deliver the final blow on Whiscash with its Karate Chop move which led to Cha, Incineroar, Toucannon, and Lycanroc gaining enough Exp. Points to level up. Michael was astounded when Cha went on to defeat the veteran’s Honchkrow with just one use of its signature move, Flying Press. That moment really looked a One-Hit KO moment as it resulted in Michael emerging victorious then the young trial-goer happily cared for his hard-working Hawlucha in a Pokemon Refresh activity which then remained Michael how much he’s been recently caring for a Pokemon Friend of his team every time they’ve battled in the current rainy weather condition all over Route 14 and Tapu Village (during a little training) but he doesn’t mind since he enjoys doing it so much. Michael then went on to train his team more by having his partner Incineroar take on wild Water-Type Pokemon that were fished up out of the water + Michael even collected a few valuables that were also fished up. Cha, Eevee, and Raticate gained enough Exp. Points to level up thanks to Incineroar’s hard work (+ both Eevee and Raticate have each learned a new move in the process) as Michael had done lots of much-deserved caring for his partner in many Pokemon Refresh activities. As Michael was all set and arrived at the trial site, Acerola’s game counterpart explained the details of her trial, which Michael can understand since he was aware that it’ll be a Ghost-Type trial for him to face (+ it’ll unfortunately be a little creepy for him and his Rotom Dex). As Acerola’s game counterpart finished preparing Rotom Dex’s Poke Finder for the trial, Michael must brace himself to find the Totem Pokemon for snapping a photo of it so he may face it in battle. Michael and his Rotom Dex nervously entered into the Abandoned Thrifty Megamart as the Trial of Acerola began.

Michael and his Rotom Dex stick close to each other around the old spooky supermarket, a conveyor belt started moving on its own, which led to Michael and his Rotom Dex realizing something Acerola’s game counterpart had explained so they fired up the Poke Finder and found a Gastly causing the mischief before snapping a photo of it, which led to that Gastly ready to face Michael in battle as the young trial-goer managed to defeat it with Lycanroc (leading to Incineroar gaining a little enough Exp. Points to level up). Michael then noticed something leaving the scene as he went on to see a shopping cart moving on its own which led to firing up the Poke Finder to see that the mischief is caused by a Haunter before snapping a photo of it, which led to Haunter ready to face Michael in battle as the young trial-goer managed to defeat it with Lycanroc. Michael then noticed something leaving the scene which made things a little more creepy for him as he went on to walk around nervously when he noticed some Poke Dolls floating on their own, which led to firing up the Poke Finder as Michael got a little shocked to see a Pokemon causing the mischief (even though he was already aware of that) before snapping a photo of it, which led to that Pokemon ready to face Michael in battle as his Rotom Dex revealed that Pokemon to be a Gengar then Michael went on to defeat it with Lycanroc, which led to Lycanroc gaining enough Exp. Points to level up. Michael then overheard something in the back of the spooky supermarket, which led him to “Acerola’s game counterpart” who somehow don’t know who Michael is, which confused the young trial-goer as she then kept constantly telling Michael to put an end to his trial and get out of the supermarket, which left Michael is a confused and creeped-out state as he kept answering that he must find the Totem Pokemon to face in battle before he can really leave but that led to “Acerola’s game counterpart” constantly yelling at Michael to GET OUT, which creeped him out enough to have his Rotom Dex snap a photo of her, which made her somehow disappear as a back door of the spooky supermarket was unlocked. As Michael began to getting even more creeped out than before, his Rotom Dex informed him that the Poke Finder somehow activated on its own, which led to Michael nervously looking around with it to find out what’s going on as he then shockingly noticed something behind him and snapped a photo of it, which his Rotom Dex found out that it’s the Totem Pokemon, a Mimikyu. Michael was somehow okay with finally finding the Totem Pokemon as it means that he can now face it in battle as he sent out his partner Incineroar. During the battle, the results of the training and increased affectionate bond has been shown as Incineroar managed to dodge Totem Mimikyu’s Play Rough move more than once but Totem Mimikyu called an ally for help, a Banette, who managed lower Incineroar’s defense with its Screech. At the end despite taking much damage from Banette’s Curse move and Totem Mimikyu’s Play Rough move, Michael’s partner still managed to defeat Totem Mimikyu (which led to Toucannon gaining enough Exp. Points to level up) but Incineroar got defeated by Banette as Michael went on finishing off Banette with his second Pokemon, Lycanroc, allowing the young trial-goer to emerge victorious. After a fuzzy image of Mimikyu was somehow captured in the Poke Finder, Michael was more than relived to exit the Abandoned Thrifty Megamart where Acerola’s game counterpart appeared to have been waiting for him although Michael got a little surprised that she’s no longer acting the way she did back inside the trial site but Michael was somehow okay with it as Acerola’s game counterpart took a look at the Poke Finder and saw that Michael caught the image of Totem Mimikyu, which can be hard to catch on film (although Michael can still agree with that). Acerola’s game counterpart congratulated Michael for clearing her trial as she gave him a Ghost-Type Z-Crystal, Ghostium Z, which the young trial-goer thanked her for then she showed Michael the Ghost-Type Z-Move pose, which he also thanked for.

Even though Acerola’s game counterpart explained that Michael can now catch some Ghost-Type Pokemon in the old spooky supermarket and even gave him 10 Dusk Balls to help him with it, Michael admits that he’s not going back in there after how creeped out he’s been during that trial (which his Rotom Dex can definitely understand) but he’ll still hold on to the 10 Dusk Balls, which Acerola’s game counterpart understood then mentioned how it wouldn’t be that bad to have some Ghost-Type Pokemon on the team, which Michael can understand from her. After Michael explained what occurred during his trial, Acerola’s game counterpart finds it as a joke as not only she’s completely clueless about what happened, she revealed that she’s been outside the whole time and that the Abandoned Thrifty Megamart doesn’t even have a back room, which left Michael in a confused and stunned look but he’s still happy to have cleared the trial although Acerola’s game counterpart mentioned that she was having a chill through her for some reason, which made her look a little spooky to Michael as she then departed.

As Michael began to depart himself, he and his Rotom Dex noticed that the rainy weather condition (from before entering into the Abandoned Thrifty Megamart) had cleared up for some reason, which left Michael in another confused and stunned look. Arriving back at Tapu Village’s Pokemon Center, with Michael’s team recovered and some purchasing was taken care of at the PokeMart, the young trial-goer looked at his Ghostium Z as he's so happy (and relieved) that he cleared the Ghost-Type trial and he thanked his Pokemon Friends for so much that they’ve done for that to happen as they can finally settle down for a while with Michael looking forward to what they’ll be doing later on.

To Be Continued

(Next: UM27)

Answer: Mimikyu

Lesson Notes: Despite many interruptions that occurred (onto Michael Lettman) during (and right after) Alolan Michael’s trial battle against Totem Mimikyu, not only he had to accept it but he was still determined to allow Alolan Michael to proceed with an important battle in his island challenge + Michael Lettman was kinda glad that Alolan Michael finished up in clearing a trial that was kinda creepy!


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