UM29: Showdown in Po Town!

Michael’s “Poke Problem”: Michael finds a Z-Crystal at which location?
Choices: Ula’ula Meadow, Lake of the Sunne, Route 17, Po Town
(Answer Revealed Below)
(Exp. Share: Off)
Note: Normally Michael Lettman doesn’t do much with One-Hit KOs but knowing Alolan Michael had enemies to defeat, he allowed One-Hit KOs to occur during most of the battling against Team Skull grunts from inside and outside of Po Town.
UM29's Documentation ("Plot")
After having his Eevee defeat a wild Crabrawler to collect some berries, Michael sets off back on the path to find Team Skull in order to defeat them and rescue a certain Pokemon for a little girl at the Aether House. Arriving at Ula’ula Meadow, Michael meets a golfer who assumed that the young trial-goer is wondering why a golfer in doing in a meadow, which left Michael a little confused but the golfer won’t mind giving the answer to his own question by asking Michael to get back to him after defeating all trainers in the meadow, which the young trial-goer somehow understands since he most likely knows what shall occur when he gets back to him.
Strolling through the meadow, Michael noticed the game counterpart of Faba who asked the young trial-goer what brings him to the meadow, to which he answered that he’s heading to Po Town. Faba’s game counterpart was a little surprised with that since it is Team Skull’s base as he claims that he cannot forgive Team Skull tormenting poor Pokemon for no reason and with him being a branch chief, he’s still had the Necrozma issue (from the Ultra Recon Squad) on his mind while also mentioning that it could be something that can be revolve by a president like the one he works for. Michael then pondered about what Soliera and Phyco had been doing in their travels across Alola.
Michael’s attention was caught a little when Faba’s game counterpart mentioned “not that a mere child would…” but he quickly changed the subject and informed the young trial-goer to stay safe and reminded him that he’s been warned about Team Skull, which Michael commented that Team Skull is expecting him to be here by himself as the young trial-goer shall be all set to defeat those enemies. After Faba’s game counterpart departed, Michael found a photo spot for his Poke Finder and took a few pictures. The first 2 photos didn’t come out so good but the last one with a Baile-Style Oricorio was okay enough to be kept. Michael has faced opponents throughout the meadow. With Eevee, a dancer’s Floette was defeated. With Incineroar and Raticate, an office worker’s Torkoal and Whimsicott were defeated. With Raticate and Eevee, a lass’s Sneasel and Komala were defeated. Michael came across a certain traveling Oricorio trainer named Meredith who asked Michael if he could battle her which the young trial-goer accepted then afterwards, Michael and Incineroar defeated Meredith’s Oricorio in its Baile Style. After Meredith thanked the young trial-goer for battling her then departed, Michael came across a location known as the Lake of the Sunne which looked like nothing was going on there. Back at Ula’ula Meadow after a Totem Sticker was fished up from a pond, Michael returned back to the golfer and confirmed to have defeated all trainers in the meadow which the golfer then gave Michael the answer to his own question, he was waiting for a strong trainer to face in battle as he then asked Michael for a battle, which the young trial-goer accepted since he figured that would happen.
With Lycanroc and Toucannon, the golfer’s Hariyama and Alakazam were defeated but Michael didn’t understand much about the use of a Flame Orb, which burned Hariyama during the battle. Afterwards the golfer gave Michael his Flame Orb claiming that the young trial-goer could have a good use for it during battle even though Michael wasn’t sure about that. Arriving at Route 17, Michael noticed the rainy weather around the route as he learned from his Rotom Dex that Po Town is up ahead on the path. Michael noticed the Po Town Police Station where he collected a Totem Sticker from the outside of it. From inside the station, a bunch of Alolan Meowth were around but another Totem Sticker was collected.
Going uphill on rocky hills, Michael was forced to have his Incineroar defeat a wild Fearow that almost attacked him but it allowed his partner to earn enough Exp. Points to level up. Michael checked out some Trainer Tips about Pokemon being dropped off at Poke Pelago’s Isle Avue will grow more friendly towards their trainers but there was also a warning about not leaving them in hot springs for too long or they’ll get overheated, the young trial-goer understood those tips as he still looks forward to visit Poke Pelago when he’s all set for it. Apparently Michael noticed a Team Skull grunt then a 2nd grunt then a 3rd grunt, as he found a first batch of enemies to defeat right away which he did with Incineroar defeating the first grunt’s Pokemon (Mareanie and Alolan Grimer) then in short time, Eevee defeating the second grunt’s Pokemon (Alolan Rattata and Haunter) and in short time, Lycanroc defeating the last grunt’s Pokemon (Ekans). It was thanks to the Tauros Charge that Michael collected another Totem Sticker (reaching 70) which led to the game counterpart of Samson Oak contacting the young trial-goer through Rotom Dex confirming that another Totem-sized Pokemon was available for him but Michael’s still sticking with the one Totem-sized Pokemon on his team but Samson Oak’s game counterpart is still open to wait for him. Arriving at Po Town’s entrance, Michael faced 2 Team Skull grunts and defeated their Pokemon (Scraggy and Pawniard) with Toucannon and Cha (Michael’s Hawlucha) but those grunts didn’t give in letting him pass, which Michael might have guessed. An unknown police officer appeared to Michael and spoke about if the young trial-goer was ready to go into Po Town to face Team Skull which he confirms since he has important reasons for doing so as the unknown police officer claims that everyone has their reasons then he managed to have the entrance opened up as Michael steps into Team Skull’s base where he sees under a heavy downpour that everywhere looks like a mess which left the young trial-goer a little frustrated that he was forced into coming into a place like that. Obviously 2 Team Skull grunts won’t allow Michael through their barricade but the young trial-goer was able to find another way to get through it which left the 2 grunts frustrated enough to battle Michael but both their Pokemon (Spinarak then Trubbish) were defeated by Raticate. Michael noticed from collecting another Totem Sticker that Po Town has its own Pokemon Center and from inside (which was a little dark), 2 Team Skull grunts were all rapping from their talking while claiming that they can recover Michael’s team for a little fee but the young trial-goer denied it from knowing he had enough items to care for his team as he then collected another Totem Sticker and continued to face many enemies to defeat. With Raticate, a grunt’s Pokemon (Drowzee) was defeated. With Raticate and Eevee, 2 grunts’ Pokemon (Golbat and Raticate) were defeated which led to Raticate earning enough Exp. Points to level up. With Lycanroc, a grunt’s Pokemon (Ekans and Salandit) was defeated. With Lycanroc, a grunt’s Pokemon (Fomantis and Mareanie) were defeated. After another Totem Sticker was collected, Michael entered inside a big building known as “Shady House” where everywhere was indeed a big mess. With Lycanroc, a grunt’s Pokemon (Drowzee) then another grunt’s Pokemon (Salandit and Fomantis) were defeated. From in a room, Michael noticed a note mentioning a secret Team Skull password, “Poison Jab”. With Lycanroc, a grunt’s Pokemon (Trubbish and Houndour) were defeated. Michael heard from a grunt that Team Skull collected Bug-Type Z-Crystals all over Alola to ensure their boss is the strongest Bug-Type User. Another Totem Sticker was collected then Michael came into an empty kitchen where noticed a note from another secret Team Skull password, “Tapu Cocoa”, along with a few words about answering with a “No!”. Headed Upstairs, Michael peeked into a room where 2 grunts were having a tiff until they noticed Michael then faced him in battle. With Toucannon, the 2 grunts’ Pokemon (Alolan Rattata then Alolan Raticate) were defeated. With Toucannon, a grunt’s Pokemon (Haunter and Alolan Grimer) were defeated then Michael noticed a note about another secret Team Skull password, Bounsweet. With Toucannon, a grunt’s Pokemon (Scraggy) was defeated which led to Toucannon earning enough Exp. Points to level up. Michael went up to a grunt who shall not allow the young trial-goer to pass through a pathway on the roof unless he reveals the secret Team Skull passwords for his questions which allowed Michael to realize something about certain notes that he read. With all the questions answered with “Poison Jab”, “Bounsweet”, and “Tapu Cocoa”, Michael was then asked if he was sure about those answers being correct. At first, Michael was gonna say “Yes!” but then he remembered something from a few words on a certain note. So the young trial-goer answered “No!” and as expected, the grunt allowed Michael to pass through then spoke that their boss’ room is down the path on the roof. That grunt then assumed Michael was one of Team Skull which made the young trial-goer reply with a “NO!” as he claims to only come to defeat Team Skull and rescue an innocent Pokemon which left the grunt frustrated as Michael proceeded onto the roof. After another Totem Sticker was collected, With Eevee then Lycanroc, a grunt’s Pokemon (Spinarak, Golbat, Pawniard) were defeated which led to Eevee and Lycanroc earning enough Exp. Points to level up + Lycanroc learned Rock Climb. Entering into the room, Michael faces the game counterpart of Team Skull’s Boss Guzma who spoke on about Michael coming straight to him for a beat down but the young trial-goer claims that he’s here for the Pokemon which was Yungoos. Guzma’s game counterpart spoke about how “sweet” of Michael to do for a little girl as the young trial-goer noticed Yungoos and was glad to see that it’s safe.
Guzma’s game counterpart spoke about why Michael couldn’t focus on his own Pokemon and stayed out of other people’s business, to which the young trial-goer replied that he had important reasons to come, not just to rescue Yungoos. Guzma’s game counterpart spoke about Michael being messed up to, which the young trial-goer replied that he rather be a messed-up enemy who’ll make sure that Team Skull are defeated. Having heard enough, Guzma’s game counterpart and Michael faced each other in battle which ended in Michael’s victory thanks to Incineroar, Lycanroc, Toucannon defeating Guzma’s game counterpart’s Pokemon (Golisopod, Pinsir, Masquerain) + Golisopod getting defeated by Incineroar’s Inferno Overdrive allowed the young trial-goer to get a little revenge for his partner after the last battle at Malie Garden. With the game counterpart of Guzma defeated, Yungoos was released and Michael was glad that it’s okay as the Pokemon went outside to wait for the young trial-goer. As for Guzma’s game counterpart, he’s gonna make sure to beat down Michael eventually no matter whose help he needs as he steps out of the room. Michael’s Rotom Dex complimented the young trial-goer for defeating Guzma’s game counterpart which he thanked his Pokedex companion for its nice words. Michael and his Rotom Dex noticed a chest of Z-Crystals, with the latter clarifying that they are all Bug-Type Z-Crystals, that made the young trial-goer remember what he heard from a grunt about those Z-Crystals. Michael sees it as a way to get a little even with Team Skull for the bad things they’ve done during his journey. Team Skull takes away innocent Pokemon so the young trial-goer shall take something from them himself, which was one of their Bug-Type Z-Crystals thus obtaining a Buginium Z. Michael then went outside from a side door and noticed a grunt who claims that he has a problem and asked Michael if he can hear him out. Michael actually didn’t care but after defeating many enemies including their boss himself (+ obtaining another Z-Crystal), he shall hear out the grunt’s problem, which was having a hard time doing the Team Skull pose. That grunt decided that might just leave Team Skull then thanked Michael for hearing him out when 2 other grunts showed up and didn’t like hearing what their grunt friend was saying. One of the grunts then assumed that Michael was to blame and faced him in battle. With Raticate, the grunt’s Pokemon (Scraggy) was defeated. The grunt who spoke with Michael about his problem came out with his honesty about leaving Team Skull which left his 2 grunts friends in frustration but then he showed how serious he was in a Team Skull pose which came out perfectly. Michael then asked if he’s still thinking about quitting now which the grunt answered that he doesn’t need to anymore now that he managed to have finally done the pose which made his grunt friends happy. The grunt apologizes to Michael for dragging him into what occurred then gives him a Full Restore as he and the other grunts took off leaving Michael in a bewildered state since he didn’t expect a Team Skull grunt to be a little nice like that. Stepping out of the “Shady House”, Michael noticed the unknown police officer from earlier who asked if he had Michael to thank for a Yungoos that’s next to him which the young trial-goer answered with a yes as he managed to have saved it. The unknown police officer noticed Michael’s amulet which made him know that he’s a trial-goer, which Michael answered with a yes as he then gave a little introduction of himself to the unknown police officer who then spoke about not gonna face someone who defeats Team Skull, which left Michael bewildered about it but he did help recover Michael’s team after so much battling that they’ve went through. The unknown police officer noticed that most of Team Skull had disappeared from Po Town, which made Michael noticed also then realized that most of the Team Skull grunts (including their boss himself) had disappeared out of their “Shady House”. The unknown police officer guessed that they must’ve run off after hearing their boss had gotten defeated. The game counterpart of Acerola then showed up and was glad to see that Yungoos was okay as she thanked Michael for his help, which the young trial-goer was glad to. Michael then asked Acerola’s game counterpart if she knows the unknown police officer to which she introduced him as Nanu (his game counterpart) who is both her uncle and the Kahuna of Ula’ula Island, which left Michael in a little shock to see that the unknown police officer was Ula’ula Island’s Kahuna while also remembering that he had to take a pause from his island challenge to focus on defeating Team Skull. Acerola’s game counterpart asked her uncle if he’s being a great police officer as she doesn’t understand why her uncle would be living close by to Team Skull if he’s not putting a stop to their shenanigans. The game counterpart of Kahuna Nanu replied that the rent’s real cheap and that no one would ever be staying close to Team Skull. Acerola’s game counterpart spoke about counting on others like the Aether Foundation to care for the Pokemon that were harmed by Team Skull as she then prepared to bring Yungoos back to Aether House. Acerola’s game counterpart spoke to her uncle that she’s come back to check on him again as her uncle replied no one is asking her to, she then informed Michael to come back to Aether House later on, which he understood as Yungoos and Acerola’s game counterpart departed out of Po Town. After hearing a few words from Kahuna Nanu’s game counterpart as he also departed from Po Town, Michael somehow didn’t mind playing with an Oranguru for a little then afterwards he noticed an office worker in Po Town, which was confusing to see. After speaking with the office worker, Michael agreed to battle him as he and Incineroar managed to have defeated the office worker’s Elgyem and Metang. The office worker offered a Big Nugget to Michael for a cheap price which the young trial-goer didn’t mind and purchased it as Michael finally departed from Po Town. After collecting a few berries, Incineroar defeating another wild Fearow allowed it to earn enough Exp. Points to level up. Arriving back at Route 16’s Pokemon Center, Michael sold his purchased Big Nugget at the PokeMart then he relaxed a little at the cafe as he then checked out the Buginium Z that he obtained in Po Town while knowing that he shall await for when a right type of move can be learned by a Pokemon Friend in order to use a new Z-Move.
Michael thanked his team for what they’ve done with him back in Po Town as he hopes that everyone at Aether House is safe and sound for when he gets back there (or are they…).
To Be Continued
(Next: UM30)
Answer: Po Town