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UM38: Training, Surfing, & Super Royaling!

Writer's picture: Michael LettmanMichael Lettman

Updated: Jun 21, 2024

UM38: Training, Surfing, and Super Royaling!

Victory in the Battle Royal Dome's Super Rank
Battle Video: Victory in the Battle Royal Dome's Super Rank

Michael’s “Poke Problem”: Michael caught a Pokemon on Melemele Island, where did he catch it? Choices: Trainers’ School, Route 1, Ten Carat Hill, Hau’oli City (Answer Revealed Below) (Exp. Share: Off)

UM38's Documentation ("Plot")

After checking on his Pokemon Friends at Poke Pelago (+ collecting PokeBeans), Michael arrives at Poni Beach to enjoy some Mantine Surfing on his way to the Battle Royal Dome on Akala Island.

Michael first looked around at the sea and sky while reminiscing the events from UM37, Alola being showered with light, Nebby recovering at Aether Paradise by Lillie’s game counterpart and her mother, and Necrozma being somewhere in Alola, the young trial-goer can’t ever forget how he had done his best to help everyone. With so much on his mind since then, Michael had decided to take a pause before getting back on the path of his island challenge and he shall start out by taking on the Battle Royal to climb up a rank. Since he can’t head straight from Poni to Akala through Mantine Surfing, Michael first arrived at Melemele Island (after struggling through obstacles of Water-Type Pokemon) then made it to Akala Island and apparently pulled off a new record in its Normal Course to become a new champ for the Big Wave Beach Surf Spot and even learned the aerial move Lanturn 360 to try out in Mantine Surfing. After arriving at Royal Avenue, Michael felt bad for an Incineroar named Tigrudo who’s in a slump from struggling against a strong Machamp but it was thanks to one of the TMs he had on hand that Michael helped it learn Acrobatics so it can be ready to face that rival + its trainer kindly gave Michael a Power Belt as thanks. In the Battle Royal Dome, Michael finished his registration in the Battle Royal’s Super Rank and his 3 chosen Pokemon were Incineroar, Lycanroc, and Raticate (whom he had to exchange for Toucannon in his PC Box nearby) as the young trial-goer then stepped into the ring to begin his participation. It was unfortunate for Raticate and Lycanroc who both got defeated without doing a single thing to the opponents but at the end, not only Michael emerged victorious but he apparently won by default due to his Incineroar being the only one left standing in the ring. Although a little speechless with how the battle had turned out, Michael is still happy with his win as he thanked his partner for its hard work then confirmed to his Rotom Dex to have the entire battle saved in a Battle Video.

As the receptionist congratulates Michael on his victory, she gives the young trial-goer the Battle Points that he earns and confirms to Michael that he can be registered in the Hyper Rank the next time he participates, which he shall look forward to. Michael came across the same young boy in need of courage who asked the young trial-goer about anything that happened during his journey as the young trial-goer then decided to tell him about how he went to Po Town to face Team Skull (back in UM29), which gave the young boy some more encouragement.

Michael never thought he would end up helping a Machamp who’s in a slump after a hard time facing a certain Incineroar, by giving it a Coba Berry that it needed + its trainer did give Michael the Technical Machine for Bulk Up as thanks. After purchasing a Mythic Malasada for Incineroar at Royal Avenue’s Malasada Shop (+ turning off his Exp. Share for upcoming training), it didn’t take long for Michael to see that same young boy again to tell him about some of the events during UM36 and UM37, which includes going through an Ultra Wormhole by Ultra Warp Ride.

The young boy felt a lot of encouragement from what he heard that he asked Michael to face him in battle as his first-ever battle against a trainer which the young trial-goer accepts as their battle was a Lycanroc showdown with Michael’s Midnight Form Lycanroc emerging victorious. The young boy gave Michael a Dawn Stone as thanks for giving him all the encouragement from hearing about his journey.

After purchasing a Sour Malasada for Raticate at Royal Avenue’s Malasada Shop, Michael sees that the Incineroar and Machamp he had helped out are now doing well as rivals. With his time in the Battle Royal’s Super Rank finished up, Michael departed from Akala to Melemele via Mantine Surfing and managed to pull off a new record in its Super Course, resulting in becoming a new champ in the Akala Beach Surf Spot which the young trial-goer was impressed by as he got to learn about another move called the Primarina Twist for trying out in Mantine Surfing. After some playtime with a Pyukumuku at Big Wave Beach, Michael was ready for a visit to Hau’oli City and he started out with its shopping mall where he saw a stand for tutoring moves for starter Pokemon which made him decide to try it out and as a result, Michael’s Incineroar learned the Fire-Type Starter Pokemon’s Ultimate Move, Blast Burn. While Michael was watching the Bewear Costume Show, everyone saw that a real Bewear had shown up which made them run off in a panic except Michael who saw that the wild Bewear gazed upon him. Afterwards Michael faced the wild Bewear in battle as he chose his Ultra Beast Poipole to battle with him but instead of defeating that Bewear, the young trial-goer had decided to catch it since he had experienced battling a Bewear before (during UM31) and might enjoy seeing how strong a Bewear can be at a high-level. At the end, Michael did have a hard time on which PokeBall to throw but he chose a Heal Ball and caught the wild Bewear, resulting in sending Raticate back to his PC Box to add his Bewear to his party, afterwards Michael was given a Max Potion as thanks for his help with that Bewear (which is now one of his Pokemon Friends). After collecting a Totem Sticker, Michael took a small visit to Hau’oli City Hall where he and his newly-caught Bewear had won a battle against a gentleman’s Dunsparce after aiding his granddaughter to prove a point about her and her fiance. Michael then purchased a Sweet Malasada for Bewear and a Mystic Malasada for Lycanroc at Hau’oli City’s Malasada Shop. At Hau’oli Police Station, Michael managed to have helped Illma’s game counterpart with a mystery of his missing Nugget caused by 3 wild Hypnos, which resulted in Michael’s Bewear defeating one of those Hypnos and Michael being given a Big Nugget as thanks. At the Tourist Burasu, Michael was given 10 Ultra Balls from a scientist as thanks for helping him earn some data from having over 10 species of Pokemon. After taking a picture with his PokeFinder at Hau’oli City Beachfront, Michael took on many trainers out at Melemele Sea and managed to defeat all those opponents using only his newly-caught Bewear, who earned enough Exp. Points to level up. The young trial-goer had finished up and headed back to Poni Island via Mantine Surfing. At Seafolk Village’s Pokemon Center, with his Pokemon Friends recovered and selling some valuables at the PokeMart, Michael can look forward to training with his Ultra Beast Poipole and his newly-caught Bewear so they can be ready for the upcoming trial at Captain Mina’s game counterpart’s house.

To Be Continued

(Next: UM39)

Answer: Hau'oli City

Lesson Notes: Apparently from a little risky research, Michael Lettman learned about a few small events which can occur after the Akala Island grand trial and one of those events was the Bewear at Hau’oli City’s shopping mall, so it was unfortunate of not knowing about it earlier. Michael Lettman would’ve added a pause on Alolan Michael’s journey after the events of UM20 so that Bewear would’ve been added onto Alolan Michael’s team way earlier during the journey. “Off-Screen” Necessary Saving Activities: Other than collecting PokeBeans at Poke Pelago, Michael Lettman shall allow Alolan Michael to take care of training with Poipole and Bewear so they can be leveled up enough for the events of UM39 + Michael Lettman does need to make it up to Alolan Michael’s Bewear (for not knowing about it way before UM21) by allowing it to be very strong right away for the rest of Alolan Michael’s journey.


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